Author: Susan

Dr. Susan Gasson, Associate Professor Emerita, College of Computing & Informatics. I specialize in approaches to systems requirements analysis and design, social cognition, and human-centered design. Prior to becoming an academic, I pursued a successful career in information systems development, management, and consulting. I have performed most software engineering industry job functions: firmware designer, operating system debugger, real-time systems developer, software architecture integration specialist (integrating cross-platform datacomms architectures and standards), project manager, IS business group manager, and systems architecture consultant.

Designing for Real Users

We tend to design systems and websites with a one-size-fits-all interface, where the priority and placement of various information is determined by designers. Most people do not think like web-designers. They have different priorities and interests, based on what they do. We should let users configure their own interface around the items they want to see.