Origins of Human-Centered Design A few years ago, I published a paper on user-centered vs. human-centered design. I compared HCI analysis methods to a...

Origins of Human-Centered Design A few years ago, I published a paper on user-centered vs. human-centered design. I compared HCI analysis methods to a...
We tend to design systems and websites with a one-size-fits-all interface, where the priority and placement of various information is determined by designers. Most people do not think like web-designers. They have different priorities and interests, based on what they do. We should let users configure their own interface around the items they want to see.
In the last few years, the terms human-centered and user-centered have become synonymous in HCI, with a focus on disciplines such as “user experience” and “interaction design.” Here I will argue that neither discipline really deals with the core issues of human-centered design.
Why is design improvisational? We talk about design as if it were fixed: as if there were one best way to design everything. We celebrate...
Brown and Duguid’s (2001) concept of a “network of practice” has been niggling away at my consciousness. The idea is that a collection of...
I manage the website for an Animal Rescue shelter. I have been struggling with the design of the site for some time now, as...
A recent emphasis on sociomateriality appears to have entered the IS literature because of discussions by Orlikowski (2010) and the excellent empirical study of...
Recently, I have been using a new social media platform to run one of my classes. The idea was, that as we are studying...
I have been working for a while on comparing the results from some very complex research studies of collaborative design in groups that span...
While browsing and working on a recent paper, I mused on the missed opportunity of interaction design. Reading Terry Winograd’s (1997) From Computing Machinery...